
Marketing in Uncertain Times

Mar 31, 2020 | Strategy

We’re now multiple weeks into this crisis and it looks like the impact will be felt well into the summer, if not longer. With businesses closed, or at operating at a reduced level we want to share 3 actionable steps to help in this time of uncertainty. Remember, your business’ life is not only at stake, your employees are counting on you to keep their best interests at heart, too. 

1. Create a crisis plan

This won’t be easy. Bring your leaders together and assess the situation. It’s important to be realistic and assume this will last longer than some are saying.

Explore what the situation looks like if you had to operate like this for 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, or even a year.

Explore questions like:

  •     What do our finances look like?
  •     How has your supply chain been impacted?
  •     What can or can’t we do in the current environment?

From here put a plan together of your next steps. This isn’t easy and working with a facilitator may be a good idea, I’d be happy to connect you with a facilitator, just reach out on our contact page.

2. You have to sell to survive

While in lockdown it may seem insensitive to sell yow services products. In moments like these remember your customers still find value in what you offer. Life hasn’t stopped and you have something of value. You just have a few more limits on what you can do.

Explore these questions:

  • Can I digitize parts of my service? (Think video calls, digital products)
  • Can I sell online? Over the phone?
  • What new services/products can I offer to help in this time?
  • How can my business help in this crisis? Is it a service, advice, inspiration, or as an escape from the craziness of the world.

This is a time to think outside the box:

  • Do you have a fleet of trucks?
    • Explore repurposing them and your team as temporary delivery trucks for Amazon or local food delivery.
  • Did you perform face-to-face coaching?
    • Pivot to digital consultations
  • Are you a brick & mortar retail shop?
    • Start selling online.
  • Don’t have any online marketing?
    • Start an email list, blog, social media, and digital advertising.

This is a perfect time to work on something new. Not sure on what tools to use or what steps to take? We’re happy to help you traverse this uncertain time, provide some recommendations, or event encouragement. Send us a message.

3. Remember to Serve

We are ALL experiencing this event together. From disruption of normal life to transition and hope for the future. In whatever you do here are a few tips to help you keep your marketing positive:

  • Be aware of your tone.
    No one expects you to stop selling (or shouldn’t), but be sensitive to the hardships and situation of your customers. Be human!
  • Help your customers.
    Be useful. Individuals & families are concerned with stocking up on necessities and with the health & safety of their loved ones.
  • Project stability.
    Fear is all around and it may be easy to want to use to motivate, but it breeds panic and short-term chaos. Think long-term and project out to the hopeful future.

In short, be empathetic.

What do you think? How are you adapting your business and marketing in uncertain times? What advice can you offer? Share this post and let us know.